Democratic decision making and the idea to control the efficiency of democratic decision finding

Democratic decision making is a very comprehensive challenge in even all democratic nations and governmental systems all over the world.

This article thereby focusses upon the effiency controlling instruments within democratic descion systems.

The term „control“ normally induces a negative emotional reaction at the  lion´s share of people because they may take control as a retrenchment of their personal und intimate life sphere.

As soon as the theme means controlling an artificial system like traffic routing,  machineries or something like that, controlling is well-understood as a necessary precuation to prevent damage from the revealling system.

So, if you imagine democratic decision making or finding as an artificial system wherein people or human beings are the most distinguished components of something like a machinery it might be easier to get an impression of what does control means within democratic decision systems.

Controlling decisions is quite usual in industrial production and service operation systems. You might conclude and  imagine that it is impossible to construct complex technical products, to support complex services without controlling procedures to ensure the mandatory qualities of products and services.

control in this context focuses upon the philosophical dilemma „who has the control over those who control those which have the control.“

Democratic decision control is originally demonstrated by a concept that means that people (demos, people) have essential functional control over the whole or main parts of a governmental system(kratia, governance).

But where you can get the informations about the versatile democratic committees even if you want to know which of these committees decides what, when and how?!

This problem is even in the times of internet and social media still exististing and it seems that the complexity of the special problem statement increased more and more even or simply why there are these multiple „inter-nets“.


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